Friday, May 22, 2009

Product Reviews: The beginnings

I just realized something. One of the reasons I started out  not using commercial organic cleaners are either because they are too inaccessible or too expensive. So I found cheaper, more basic alternatives. 

However, I do respect that people are different. We do things differently and we think differently. And if there are alternatives to my alternatives, it's totally cool. We're all aiming towards a similar goal. 

And today, while browsing at a local grocery store, I found some new 'green products'. Normally, I'd give these a good look, put them back and walk away. Neither positive nor negative about it. Just so. But as I thought harder, as I've mentioned, when I started looking aeons ago, these things are almost impossible to find or too expensive. 

But I'm seeing slightly more affordable (read - affordable, not necessarily cheap... yet) and accessable stuff now. It's nice to know these things are available here in KL. If it helps people decide to choose greener products over their regular products, I think this will be worth it. 

It's time to share. 

'Green' stuff reviews to come: 

Greenworks Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner (Clorox, USA) RM17.95/709ml
Earth Choice Laundry Liquid (Natures Organics, Australia) RM12.50/liter
Organic Tea Light Candles (Gewax Trading, Malaysia) RM2.20/10pcs

1 comment:

  1. I too am excited by the increase in variety and quality of eco-friendly products and the decrease in price. A bigger local market creates opportunities for local manufacturers and entrepreneurs, which translates to fewer travel miles, less CO2 and more savings for the end user! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to post and review products here as well!
