Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I desire... I don't... sigh...

All this experimenting so far has brought me to this very tempting looking contraption on the right. It's known as the NatureMill Indoor Composting Bin by TreeHugger. 

Oooh, you had no idea how tempting it looks and sounds. Takes up minimal space. No odor. No work. Almost all foods, including bones etc. Compost ready in  a neat little tray in 2 weeks. 

Price tag: USD299-USD399 excluding shipping of USD85 (or something like that...). And on top of that, it uses 5kWh. *egads*

I bet a lot of people like me, get so so tempted with machines like this. It takes the work out of composting for time strapped or lazy people like me. 

(Ok, redemption time, I'm not THAT lazy. I've tried different methods of composting but none satisfactory so far. And I live in an apartment. I cook an average of twice a day producing fair amount of kitchen waste. So, you can imagine the number of 'composting bins' I have at home at the moment.)

There are pros and cons. I'll discuss them later when I've had some fuel...

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