Friday, July 31, 2009

Repair Repair Repair... What about my jeans' butt?

I've recently been on a repairing/altering frenzy. My clothes that is. Clothes that I've grown out of... Erm, actually, I grew smaller. I shrank. So, most of my clothes either don't fit, or I can only wear those with belt loops and the waist scrunches in so bad I look like I'm wearing my hubbie's clothes. Well, maybe not that bad. 

Luckily I found a decent place nearby who does basic alterations. The lady owner seems a little blur sometimes, but otherwise nice. And she seems very kind and friendly to her staff of more ladies at the sewing machines. The ladies are actually locals. I like that. Providing jobs and empowering ladies locally. Which means they're usually better paid too. Me happy.

A while ago, I did another round of filtering my clothes to determine which I have left collecting dust because they just won't stay up. Got quite a few pairs of shorts. I'm happy. I've been thinking of getting new shorts. But now that I've got my old pairs, I'm really quite excited about bringing them to size! And I loved them too. Now I get to love them again! Yay! And I don't have to go out spending hours hunting for stuff that usually don't fit me, don't look good on me, or are made of poor quality materials, and if they're not, cost the earth to buy!

Except, my last pair of jeans. I've not worn them for months now. They are a pair of nice Levis just about less than 2 years ago. What the heck are jeans  made of these days?! They've got a very big patch of threads on the bum spreading from the middle seam outwards. I can't wear them out. A little too risque. It's been sitting there. I've been thinking endlessly, if not for that 'tear', it's otherwise still a very very nice pair of jeans.


Can fix ar? Well, most sites I've been to just says that's the worst part to fix (you just can't prettily) or fix enough to make them wearable only while you're painting. There was a site recommended by many ecofriendly sites. I got really excited. Went to the site and checked them out. Wow, the visuals are so cool. They could really repair them. Like Jotun color matching thingie except this is for thread. Coolness.

But this is in the States. That's $7/inch and for international postage, $85. 


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