Thursday, April 22, 2010

Yah, you TELL 'em!

I was very impressed with a friend's hubby yesterday. And it was Earth Day too! How very appropriate.

While he was stuck in traffic, a school bus up ahead was spewing rubbish - from the windows. Our dear friend stopped the car, got out, went to collect the rubbish, demanded to know who the rubbish was from, and gave it right back to the perpetrator and told him/her off!

Whoa... I wished I had the guts to do that. :D


  1. I'd do that if the bus stopped at one place long enough for me to do that! I did that once in school. I picked up someone else's litter, walked up to his classroom, handed it back to him, and said: "I am sorry you aren't well-bred enough!"

    Smug b*st*rd that I was.

  2. hmm, lucky neither of you got busted or bashed into mash potatoes. I got a worst than justice poa look when i pointed once to the fella who "accidentally' drop his ciggie empty pack, next to me.
