Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Environmentally friendly packaging... Ironic

The past few months had been a few of sleepless nights (working...) , travelling (working...), new responsibilities, holidays (more work for me!). Well, as much as they did cause significant weight loss, I personally found them very fulfilling. It's strange, people thrive on activity. And if you're swamped, you complain, but secretly you know you love it. But the moment the activity slows down, sometimes some of us get trapped in a lull. And somehow we just don't seem to have the energy to do even a fraction of the amount we are able to during times of active crazy working. That's me. Sigh. I need to get back on track.

Now back to travelling. I recently had had to travel for work. And fortunately (or unfortunately), on one of the flights, I travelled MAS to Kota Kinabalu. Now, MAS is the one where you get 'free food'. They serve you whether you like it or want it or not. On our alternative AirAsia, you only pay for food when you want it. And although they say you're not allowed to bring your own food and drinks on board, most of us have brought food and drinks. I bring along my bottle and fill up at the fountain near the entrance of the toilets. They do make it rather difficult to find, but it's there.

Anyway back to my point. MAS has recently joined the environmental awareness bandwagon. And they now serve their better tasting food in better looking packaging... PACKAGING... beautiful sugar cane-fibre box. Whoa... cun... very pretty. It even comes with another cardboard wrapping it explaining the whole deal with this box and MAS's environmental initiatives. Ooooh oooh oooh, and check out all the other packaging inside too. So neatly arranged. I loved the chocs best. That's a whole 6 layers there.

... ...

What is wrong with the picture here?

Sorry, I just have to not mention the point... It would just pierce my skull and my brains will spill out.


  1. It would be nice to email your post to the Public Relations of MAS.

  2. Dear Cin,

    I have tagged you in the Water Initiative Network's water conservation meme!

    Please come and visit it here:

    If you have the time and inclination, please pass the message by reproducing the meme here and add anything you like to promote the cause of water conservation.

    Thank you!
