Monday, November 9, 2009

Pressies... OOoh... dilemma

I recently held a birthday party for my just turned 3 daughter. And like any proud mummy, I wanted her to have a 'wonderful party' she'll love. And thankfully, I had wonderful friends who helped make this happen. It wouldn't otherwise have happened. But anyway, here's the deal.

At the end of the party, both hubbie and I was shocked to see the heap of pressies that our lovely guests brought for Cerys. I would be lying if I said I wasn't delighted. Pressies are FUN! It would also mean I can do away with buying her gifts for the rest of the year if we play it right. Hahaha...

Ah, delight delight...

Until hubbie reminded, all this CONSUMPTION! No!

Oh. Ya.... Consumption. Right, reduce... Hmm... So much for Terra Mummy.

The point is, I honestly can't help the delight I felt looking at all those pressies!... for Cerys. And I would love for her to be happy.

But all this consumption... sigh...

Need to think of better ways. We discussed this later with the lady proprietor and I think I'm not the only mummy who feels this way. I think for adults, you can think of 'easier' (c'mon, we're all busy 28 hr mother-maids-driver-corporate ladies!) environmentally responsible gifts like spa treats, holidays, etc etc etc. But for toddlers, got coupons ar?

Maybe I'm just stuck at the moment. IDEAS PLEASE!


  1. What my Mum used to do (don't let your guests know this, though): Keep a few of the opened pressies in your closet but attach a note to remind you who the giver was. You can reuse these pressies for the next birthday party Cerys attends.

    Alternatively, let her choose only 2-3 gifts to play with right now. Save the rest for Christmas and the rest of the year. Give her one each month.

    Now you see why I had a potluck party last year! Bring food, no need gifts, ha ha ha!

    We had a lovely time at the party!

  2. That's a new angle...consumption. Well, next time round, can add in a note to the invitation, no pressies but a donation to xxx charity/organisation is welcome. My pressies to friends now... a bottle of home-made garbage enzyme, to children, something from my bookself, can consider out-of- print Ladybird or Hardy Boys.

  3. Donation to a charity/organisation. That's a great idea! However, I think I'll mention donation in necessities/kind's better. Cash donation is kind of iffy these days... Sigh..
